Refresh DEK for DBID and FileID Errorlog Messages

Be Careful What You Wish For

Just a quick PSA as I’ve had a bunch of questions come up around this since the SQL 2019 CU9 release. You may see these types of items in your errorlog, they are benign. You can safely ignore them. Remember when you said, “Oh I wish I knew more of what SQL Server was doing and how it worked, I wish they’d give us more information!”, well now you have more, and you hate it. Congrats.

Refresh DEK for DBID: [1] File Id: [1] – Zeroing encryption state
Refresh DEK for DBID: [1] File Id: [1] – Copying encryption state

Seriously, it’s not a problem or an issue, feel free to go about your day. This should be a temporary item and will be removed in a future update.